Monday, November 29, 2010
How to Learn Haitian Creole in Broward County, New York City, Portland, Oregon and Boston, MA, and Anywhere Else in the World
You can learn Haitian Creole with the founder of, a free Haitian Creole and French podcast.
All you have to do is to go to to sign up . On this site, you can also find the textbooks we use to teach you. Once you have signed up, make sure to send a message at annpalekreyol[at] or better yet (
If you live in Florida, New York, Portland, Oregon, Phoenix and anywhere else in the world, you can start right on this site to find somebody to teach you Kreyol.
Bilingual Game Book: Haitian Kay Game Booklet in English and Creole
Purchase this textbook, 'Play Haitian Kay Game' at Amazon Kindle for $9.99 now. |
Friday, November 12, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Purchase a copy of "Ann Pale Yon Ti Kreyol - Let's Speak a Little Creole (Kreyol Pou Timoun ak Granmoun)

Sunday, August 1, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
New English/Haitian Creole Workbook by HaitianCreoleMP3 Founder: Creole Builds Haiti / Kreyol Bati Ayiti: You Can Understand.....
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Encuentren Leccion #4 en AprenderKreyolHaitiano el 3 de Junio de 2010
Escuchen la leccion en la forma de MP3 (Haitiancreolemp3 podcast) (Listen to the lesson on the podcast) en
Jou Konferans: Jou Entèvyou Ant Paran ak Mèt Lekòl
Nan lekòl Etazuni, jou konferans se jou paran gen entèvyou ak pwofesè oswa mèt lekòl. Yon fwa pa ane, papa oubyen manman elèv yo vini nan lekòl pou koze avèk mèt. Yo vle konnen ki kalite pwogrè pitit yo ap fè nan klas yo. Mèt Garcia nan premyè ane li nan lekòl la. Se premyè seri entèvyou l-ap bay. Kè-l ap bat anpil pandan l-ap tann paran yo. Yon papa antre nan klas la.
Mèt Garcia: Bonjou, mesye Jan. Ki sa- m ka fè pou ou?
Mesye Jan: Bonjou. M se papa AnaMari Rodriguez. Pitit fi-m nan nan klas Matematik ou a.
Mèt Garcia: (Li panse yon ti moman paske li gen anpil elèv fi nan klas matematik la.) Mèwi AnaMari se yon bon elèv. Li toujou pase tout egzamen li yo. Li pral fè yon bèl nòt nan klas mwen an.
Mesye Jan: O! Trè byen. Se trè byen sa. Eske AnaMari toujou fè devwa li?
Mèt Garcia: Wi. Mèwi. Pa gen anpil bon etudyan tankou pitit fi ou la nan tout lekòl la. Li toujou prepare leson li. Li reponn kesyon m poze-l tou. Li toujou pote liv ak plum li. Li fè yon bon travay
Mesye Jan: Mèsi Letènèl! Ou se premye mèt ki di sa. Tout lòt mèt yo di ke AnaMari sòt, enbesil, Yo di AnaMari pa janm vle fè dewa li, ke li pase tout jounen an san li pa etudye. Tout sa li fè se selman se panse ak tigason.
Mèt Garcia: Non, Mesye. Pitit fi ou la pa konsa. Lòt mèt yo dwe fè erè.
Mesye Jan: Mèsi anpil. Mèsi anpil.
Mèt Garcia: Aprè sis minut. Yon lòt paran antre nan klas la.
Mesye Jansibon Rodrigues: Bonjou Mesye. M se papa AnaMaria Rodrigues. Pitit fi-m nan nan klas Matematik ou a
Mèt Garcia: (Li etone. Li surpri anpil). AnaMaria Rodrigues. O! Bondye! Se
AnaMaria pa ou la ki se bon elèv la. M te fè yon erè. Gen de AnaMaria nan klass mwen yo.
--------------El Dia De Conferencia: El Dia de Entrevista Entre Padres y Maestros------------
En las escuelas de los Estados Unidos, los dias de conferencia son los dias cuando padres tienen una entrevista entre los profesores o maestros. Una vez al año, los padres o las madres de los alumnos vienen a las escuelas para platicar con los maestros. Quieren saber que tipo de progreso sus niños estan haciendo en las clases. Maestro Gracia está en su primer año de enseñanza en la escuela. Es el primer grupo de entrevistas que el está dando. El espera nerviosamente la llegada de los padres (Su corazón palpita mucho mientras espera a los padres)
Maestro Garcia: Buenos Días! En qué puedo servirle?
Sr. Juan: Buenos Días! Soy el padre de AnaMaria Rodriguez. Mi hija está en su clase de Matemáticas.
Maestro Garcia: (Piensa un momentito porque tiene muchas alumnas en sus clases.). Ah sí. AnaMari es una alumna excelente. Siempre sale bien en los exámenes. Va a sacar una nota buena en mi clase.
Sr. Juan: Ay, qué bueno! Hace siempre AnaMari su tarea?
Maestro Garcia: Claro que sí. En la escuela no hay muchas como ella. Siempre prepara sus lecciones y contesta mis preguntas. Trae sus libros y su pluma todos los dias. Hace buen trabajo.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
New Haitian Creole (Kreyol) Textbook Published to Help You Learn Creole to Help Rebuild Haiti
Designed by Mr. Charles to help teach Kreyol to his children, this textbook saw an expansion after Jan. 12. Its target audience includes all the diplomats who are going and working in Haiti, the various humanitarian workers and overseas-born children of Haitian parents.
Recommend this book to your friends who are interested in learning Haitian Creole. Or buy a copy today at
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Aprendan Kreyol En Espanol: Lecciones de Creole Gratuitas con
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Koute Kreyol - Listen to Kreyol MP3 Files Series; Purchase your MP3 iPhone, iPad Download Compatible Files
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Now You Can Purchase Access to the Audio Files of 'Sak Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook'
Purchase Access to the Audio Files of 'Sak Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook - Chapters 4 and 5 only
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Krik! Krak! Haitian Creole Lullaby and Nursery Rhyme Song
Buy your copy of Krik! Krak! Haitian Creole Nursery Rhyme, Lullaby

Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.
Haitian Children's Choruses, Church Songs and Bonus Pack CD
Product ID: 3064
Product Name: Haitian Chants of Hope
Buy Now From CCNow
Product ID: 3068
Product Name: Most Popular Haitian Children's Choruses, Church and Play Songs
Buy Now From CCNow
Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.

The release of this new CD, 'Most Popular Haitian Children's Church Songs in French and Creole' is in response to the many requests obtained from U.S and Canadian Churches with missionary work in Haiti. Many missionaries have also written me about this CD.
Thanks for your long wait. I hope that many of these songs and choruses will help you worship, sing along and deepen your learning of the culture and Haitian languages.
As you may have already known this, Haiti has two official languages. While we are currently focusing on the language spoken by all Haitians, we will also pay attention to the other language, French. Creole and French exist side by side in Haiti. It makes sense that some of the popular songs are in French or both of the languages.
Most Popular Haitian Children's Songs and Choruses will get you acquainted with this bilingualism that exists in Haiti.
That is why we have created to help Missionaries find some of the Christian CDs we are going to publish on this site. Good listening and please inform your friends and sister churches and other missionaries about this release!
Buy the CD Now
'Most Popular Hiatian Children's Church Songs and Choruses CD' has been released. Please use it to familiarize yourself with the Haitian culture and music scene. Acappella is doing very well in Haiti. Most churches have Acappella groups. Once again, the human voice is the greatest instrument that exists on earth!

Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.
Haitian Children's Choruses, Church Songs and Bonus Pack CD
Product ID: 3064
Product Name: Haitian Chants of Hope
Buy Now From CCNow
Product ID: 3068
Product Name: Most Popular Haitian Children's Choruses, Church and Play Songs
Buy Now From CCNow
Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
A Few Polite Expressions, Games Haitian Kids Play and Rock Paper Scissors?
You must be patient please.
Stay back please
Wait here please
Please wait behind this line
We are working as fast as we can to help you
We are here to help you - Nou isitla pou ede nou [(nou vini isit pou nou ka ede nou - we come here so we can help you)]
You must be patient please - Pasyans souple or pasyans silvouplè
Stay back please - Rete dèyè silvouplè
Wait here please - Rete tann isitla silvouplè (literally, stay and wait here please)
Please wait behind this line - silvouplè tann dèyè li-n sa-a
We are working as fast as we can to help you - N-ap fè sa nou kapab pou nou ka ede nou [we also say: n-ap fè vit pou nou ka ede nou (use 'nou' when addressing a group as in you guys, you plural)]
[N-ap fè sa nou kapab pou nou ka ede ou (when talking to one person)]
Know the words to the Haitian Creole kids song "Dodo Tipitit"
Dodo tipitit
Manman ou ale lavil
Lap pote surèt pou ou
Dodo tipitit
Dodo tipitit
Papa ou ale lavil
Lap pote surèt pou ou
Dodo tipitit
Dodo tipitit
Si ou pa domi kounye-a
wap gen domi nan je ou
Lè manman ou tounen ak surèt you
Dodo tipitit
Manman ou ale lavil
Lap pote surèt pou ou
Dodo tipitit
Get this song and many others on this new CD.
The proceeds of this CD will go toward the reconstruction of homes for Haitians.
Buy a copy to contribute towards Haiti's recovery
The game "rock paper scissors" in Creole can be literally translated as:
'Ròch, papye, sizo'
Ask any group of Haitian kids to engage in the following group games:
Fè lago
Fè wond
Sote kòd
Jwe oslè
Saturday, March 20, 2010
New Kreyol Textbook Published to Help You Learn Haitian Creole To Help Rebuild Haiti
Designed by Mr. Charles to help teach Kreyol to his children, this textbook saw an expansion after Jan. 12. Its target audience includes all the diplomats who are going and working in Haiti, the various humanitarian workers and overseas-born children of Haitian parents.
Recommend this book to your friends who are interested in learning Haitian Creole. Or buy a copy today at
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Welcome to EZHaitianCreole! You Must Be Ready to Learn Your Creole Lessons
Once again, welcome to EZHaitianCreole! In the following posts, you will find the lessons.
Go to to purchase the Haitian Creole textbook
Go to to learn free Haitian Creole Podcast lessons