Saturday, December 22, 2012
Reading Rainbow by Levar Burton is Back as an App and on iTunes
Thursday, December 20, 2012
EZHaitianCreole Helps You Learn Creole for Free: Listen to Creole Audio
Free Random Audio of Creole Lesson Episodes:
Storytelling: 2 Haitian Tales - 2 Kont Ayisyen
Haitian Foods - Manje Ayisyen
Thanksgiving Meals Audio
Free Sample Download of Haitian Creole CD
Introduction to Haitian Creole
Questions and Greetings in Creole - How are you? Kijan ou ye?
Haitian Creole Expressions
Audio for Body Parts in Creole
Popular Haitian Creole Expressions: Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule….etc.
Listen to Creole audio
Listen to Kids’ Kreyol - Koute Kreyol pou Timoun
Review of Creole Nasal and Non-nasal Vowels
The Clothes We Wear:
New Year’s Eve Celebrations - Reveyon
Basic Creole Grammar Rules:
How do you say… Creole? Kouman nou di…. an Kreyol?
Spanish / Creole Lessons: Del Creole al Espanol
El Bicentenario de Mexico - Bisantne Meksiko
El habito de mascar goma en los Estados Unidos
Escuchen el Creole Haitiano Gratis - Listen to Haitian Creole for free
List of Free Direct Downloads of Haitian Creole Episodes
Welcome to Haitian Creole in no Time Podcast Intro
Listen to Lesson #1: Greetings
Listen to Lesson #2: Bilingual questions 3 languages
Listen to Lesson #3: Creole episodes
Listen to Lesson #6: Body parts
Listen to additional Lesson #6: Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule
Listen to Lesson #7: Popular and Useful Creole/English Expressions
Listen to Dodo Tipitit, Popular Haitian lullaby
Listen to Lesson #8: News, Nouvel, Noticias
Listen to Lesson #9: Kreyol Pou Timoun Audio Sample
Listen to Lesson #10: Review of nasal and non-nasal vowels
Listen to Lesson #11: Creole Lesson for President and First Lady
Listen to Lesson / Leccion #12 - Creol en Espanol Gratis: Que Tal? Sa-k Pase…..
Listen to Lesson / Leccion #13 - Extracto Gratuito del Manual ‘Que Tal? - Sa-k Pase?
Listen to Lesson / Leccion #14 - Kreyol por Espanol
Listen to Lesson #15: Additional List of Haitian Creole expressions, phrases, and greetings
Listen to Lesson / Leccion #15 - Kreyol por Espanol, Del Creole al Espanol
Listen to Lesson #16 - Seasonal Clothes We Wear…
Listen to Lesson #16 - Popular Haitian Children’s Songs and Church Hymns
Listen to Lesson / leccion #17: Creole por Espanol - to like, to love, renmen, querer, gustar
Listen to Lesson #18: Listen to a sample of Acappella Songs of Hope
Listen to Lesson #19: Listen to Creole Verbs and Tense Markers
Lesson #20: Sing / Chante / Canten con nosotros - Debout Sainte Cohorte..
Listen to Lesson #22: Free Downloads of ‘Ann Pale Yon Ti Kreyol - Let’s Speak a Little Creole’
Listen to Lesson / Leccion #23 - Listen to ‘El Bicentenario de Mexico - Bisantne
Listen to Lesson #23 - Sing / Chante / Canten con nosotros - Ne Crains Rien, Je t’aime…
Listen to Lesson #24 - Listen to the free sample of ‘Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook, pages 7-12
Listen to Lesson #25 - Sing / Chante / Canten con nosotros - Quelle Assurance Je suis sauve..
Listen to Lesson #26 - Listen to free Downloads of ‘Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference’ Textbook
Listen to Lesson #27 - Listen to ‘Tools and Supplies Vocabulary’
Listen to Lesson #28 - Listen to ‘Free Haitian Creole Download of Foods, Spices, and Fruit etc
Listen to Lesson #29 - Listen to ‘New Year’s Eve / Alavey Nouvel Ane..
Listen to Lesson #30 - Listen to Review of Basic Creole Grammar Rules, Pronunciation…
Listen to Lesson #31 - How Do You Say … in Creole: Haitian Holiday Celebrations
Listen to Lesson #33 - Listen to Word Market Carnival…
Listen to Lesson #34 - Listen to Haitian Creole CD
Listen to #35 -Listen to Krik! Krak! Haitian Tales / Kont Ayisyen
Listen to Lesson / Leccion #36 - Como Criar a un Bebe… en Creole
Listen to Lesson #37 - Vwala Se Te Yon Fwa / Once Upon a Time…Haitian Tales / Kont Ayisyen
Listen to Lesson #38 - Free excerpts of ‘Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference’
Listen to Lesson #40 - Listen to story ‘The Godfather’s Mercy - Parenn, Pran Pitye…
Listen to Lesson / Leccion #41 - Lista Gratuita de Verbos y Expresiones de Creole
Listen to Lesson #42 - Free excerpt of ‘Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook’ - Chapter 1
Listen to Lesson #43 - Free excerpt of ‘Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook’ - Chapter 2
Listen to Lesson #44 - Free Excerpt of ‘Sa-k Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook’ - Chapter 3
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Aprendan el Creole Haitiano - Learn Haitian Creole, Learn Creole
Download the paperback and PDF versions of the book now
“Alo! - Hola! - Hello!: Los Verbos y Las Palabras Para Aprender El Creole Haitiano” Este libro fue escrto en Espaňol e Inglés para los que quieren aprender el Creole Haitiano. Fue preparado por Sr. Joseph J. Charles, escritor de “Learn Haitian Creole in one Week – Aprendan el Creole Haitiano Dentro de una Semana… y “¿Que Tal? - Sak Pase? / N-ap Boule! - Bien! What's Up? / We Are Doing Well!
Alo! Hola! Hello! Los Verbos y las Palabras Para Aprender el Creole Haitiano
Alo, Hola, Hello: Los Verbos y las Palabras Para Aprender el Creole Haitiano You can find additional resources at;;; and
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
How Much Worse Can It Be in Haiti? Bouki and Malis Get Smuggled to Miami, Florida: Bouki Finally Outsmarted Malis
"Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People - Bouki ak Malis Pran Kanntè"
Authors, Charles J. Desmangles and Kevin Levin, have done a great job writing this novella in Haitian Creole, Spanish, and English. Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People:Bouki ak Malis Pran Kanntè. It is based on the plasticity and richness of the Haitian folklore. Two of the most recognizable characters of Haitian folktales play a central role in this story.
Purchase a PDF Copy of "Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People...."
Purchase a PDF Copy of "Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People...."
Read a Free Sample of "Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People....
Listen to a Free Sample Audio of "Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People: Bouki ak Malis Pran Kannte.
Read a Free Sample of "Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People....
In this novella, the authors show Bouki's desperation and push factors contributing to his agreement with a sleek, sophisticated local criminal and people smuggler / trafficker known as 'Captain Katastwòf Natirèl.' Bouki was deep in debts because he wanted to maintain a lifestyle he could not afford on the meager catches of a fisherman. Caught and deported several times by U.S. Border and Coast Guard, Captain Katastwòf Natirèl (Captain Natural Catastrophe) was on a black list. Bouki thought he was smart enough to pull this trip on his own. He refused to be known as the butt of his brother's jokes, a simpleton, a fool. He did not want Malis, his intellectual brother, to know about the details of that trip. All the while, Malis never hesitated to put him down and make him realize that he needed his expertise, language skills, and critical thinking.
Charles J. Desmangles and Kevin Levin interweave elements of the Haitian culture in this remarkable Haitian Creole, Spanish, English novella. Things must have been really harsh in Haiti if these two famous characters of the Haitian folklore finally decide to leave the country on a perilous raft to cross illegally to the U.S. shores. When faced with an upcoming storm, Captain Katastwòf Natirèl led his crew to Santiago, Cuba to seek temporary refuge. He forced everybody to learn Spanish in order to pass for Cuban refugees. Will Booki, Malis and Captain Katastwòf Natirèl make it to the dry grounds of Florida?
This story is set against the backdrop of Haiti's devastated agriculture, political upheavals, insecurity, presence of UN troops or Minustah, series of natural disasters such as hurricanes and 2010 earthquake, barren lands and tree-less mountaintops causing widspread floodings, destroyed ecology, infrastructures and educational institutions with a local population that depends more and more on imported goods and used clothes euphemistically known as 'pèpè.'
In this novella, the authors also implicate and relate the complicity of the catholic church whose priest, Father Francois, refuses to use Haitian Creole and French in his mass in his dogged efforts to cater to a dwindling but rich and powerful group of Latin language enthusiasts, les Bourgeois Commercants Mulattres (native Haitians of Syrian, Lebanese and.. descent). He did not heed Professor Malis' advice to start leading mass in Creole just like the Voodoo priests and protestant churches do all over the country with great success. What's worse is that Father Francois never said a word or raisee his stubby pinky finger against the clandestine smuggling and chaperoning of Haitian children who took these rickety boats to get reunited with their parents in Miami. Sister Marie Lafontant made her money chaperoning children and paid the priest under the table without counting her generous tithes to the church.
"Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People - Bouki ak Malis Pran Kanntè" is a book that will make you laugh and cry in the same sentence or paragraph. This book should be a required reading for anybody who wants to understand Haiti and the 'Boat People' phenomenon. Definitely, it should be required reading for any NGO, tourist, international workers in Haiti. It should be a required reading for any sociology students. This novella is edited by Prof. Joseph J. Charles
Now you can find out whether Bouki shows any signs of intelligence here:
"Excerpt from "Bouki and Malis Turned Boat People.."
“They said that I am supposed to pass the shark test too,” Bouki said to Malis.
“What are you talking about?” Malis asked.
“I was told that it is a test developed by the American authorities to separate Cubans from Haitians. They say that sharks like Haitians’ blood and flesh. They eat Haitian migrants whose boats capsize in high seas between Haiti and Bahamas. “
“Come on, Bouki, think straight. Respect yourself. It looks like you are losing your consciousness, you are coming in and out of consciousness. It appears that the waves of the sea and the crossing made you lose your mind. Americans are not like that! Where can they find these sharks?”
“Malis, I am not crazy. You always think I am crazy!”
“Crazy people hold this kind of talk!”
“I am a fisherman, but I am afraid of sharks. Their teeth are like saws.”
“Hello Bouki, you are no longer on the ocean now. You are on firm U.S. soil!”
End of excerpt
Saturday, August 25, 2012
How do you say Happy Birthday in Haitian Creole?
M se enfimyè ou – I am your nurse
Bòn fèt de nesans – Happy birthday
Bòn fèt – Happy birthday
Gato – cake
Ice cream – Krèm
*** tap tap - a pickup with two long benches to carry passengers. It is a common form of public transportation in haiti ***
Makònen – twisted, knotted, entangled
Mele – implicate, involve, tangle, mix up, confuse (has several synonyms): pran nan twa rwa, tonbe nan traka, pran nan mera, pran nan konfizyon, bare, bloke, enplike
Examples: Pa mele-m nan zafè politik say o – Do no involve in these political affair.
Tifi-a mele! The girl is confused!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Most Popular Haitian Children's Choruses, Church + Play Songs CD and Bonus Pack

Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.
Haitian Children's Choruses, Church Songs and Bonus Pack CD
Product ID: 3064
Product Name: Haitian Chants of Hope
Buy Now From CCNow
Product ID: 3068
Product Name: Most Popular Haitian Children's Choruses, Church and Play Songs
Buy Now From CCNow
Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.

The release of this new CD, 'Most Popular Haitian Children's Church Songs in French and Creole' is in response to the many requests obtained from U.S and Canadian Churches with missionary work in Haiti. Many missionaries have also written me about this CD.
Thanks for your long wait. I hope that many of these songs and choruses will help you worship, sing along and deepen your learning of the culture and Haitian languages.
As you may have already known this, Haiti has two official languages. While we are currently focusing on the language spoken by all Haitians, we will also pay attention to the other language, French. Creole and French exist side by side in Haiti. It makes sense that some of the popular songs are in French or both of the languages.
Most Popular Haitian Children's Songs and Choruses will get you acquainted with this bilingualism that exists in Haiti.
That is why we have created to help Missionaries find some of the Christian CDs we are going to publish on this site. Good listening and please inform your friends and sister churches and other missionaries about this release!
Buy the CD Now
'Most Popular Hiatian Children's Church Songs and Choruses CD' has been released. Please use it to familiarize yourself with the Haitian culture and music scene. Acappella is doing very well in Haiti. Most churches have Acappella groups. Once again, the human voice is the greatest instrument that exists on earth!

Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.
Haitian Children's Choruses, Church Songs and Bonus Pack CD
Product ID: 3064
Product Name: Haitian Chants of Hope
Buy Now From CCNow
Product ID: 3068
Product Name: Most Popular Haitian Children's Choruses, Church and Play Songs
Buy Now From CCNow
Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
EZHaitianCreole Blog Introduces you to "Learn/Listen to Haitian Creole MP3 Dialogues, Phrases, Words + Audio Expressions...
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
101 Haitian Creole Reading Exercises Brought to You by "Kreyol Word Market Carnival"
Get the complete set of reading exercises by email delivery. Pay first using Paypal below
Learn Haitian Creole in a Few Days
"Improve your Haitian Creole Reading Skills with these 101 Reading Exercises."
5. Poukisa ou bay manti konsa? Why do you tell lies like this?
6. Ansanm ansanm nou va triyonfe – Together we will triumph
7. Sezon Kanaval la gen tan kòmanse nan Trinidad ak Brezil – The Carnival season has already started in Trinidad and Brazil.
8. Tout moun ap ri, voleponpe, epi danse muzik Soka (nanm Kalipso). Everyone is laughing, jumping, and dancing Soca music (soul of Calypso).
9. Eske ou pral Kenskòf oswa Boutilye? Non. M pral Montay Nwa – Are you going to Kenskoff or Boutiliers? No. I am going to Montagne Noire
10. Yon fwa tranblemantè a fin pase. Debri ak fatra pran Pòtoprens, capital Ayiti – Once the earthquake took place (passed). Rubble and trash take over Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital
11. Pi gwo vedèt Soka muzik rele Machel Montano. Li fèk lage trantsenkyèm albòm li alvèy konkou populè ki rele Soca Monarch – Soca Music’s biggest star’s name is Machel Montano. He has just released his 35th disc on the eve of the popular competition named Soca Monarch.
12. Trinidad ak Tobago gen yon lòt vedèt ki rele ‘Ras Star’ Franklin. Li fèk sot jwe pou komunote Cocorite oswa Coco Sweet. Yonn nan chanson li chante rele ‘Soca Fire.’ – Trinidad and Tobago has a new star whose name is ‘Ras Star’ Franklin. He has just played for his community named Cocorite or Coco Sweet. One of the songs he sang is ‘Soca Fire.’
13. Pa gen lekòl Jodi-a – There is no school today (school is out today).
14. Jodi-a se yon jou fèt. Pa gen travay – Today is a holiday – there is no work.
15. Pa chita sou chèz sa-a. Li rezève pou prezidan konpayi a – Do not sit on this chair. It is reserved for the president of the company
16. Paran timoun yo pa ka (pa kapab) ba yo manje. Pase yo kite yo mouri grangou, yo voye timoun yo bay moun ki ka elve yo – The children’s parents can not feed them. Instead of letting them die of hunger, they give them away to those who can raise them.
17. Al fè pwovizyon nan mache Petyonvil maten an – Go shopping at the Petionville market this morning.
18. Eske ou pral nan legliz katolik la Jodi-a? - Are you going to the catholic church today?
19. Non, m pa pral nan okenn legliz – No, I am not going to any church.
20. Poukisa ou mare sentu byen di konsa? Pa tounen yon pongongon. Pa anmède-m – Why did you tie your waist like this? Do not be a pain in my butt. Do not bother me
21. Doktè a ekri yon lòt (nouvèl) prescripsyon pou nouvo medikaman an – The doctor wrote another (new) prescription for the new medication.
22. Alèkile tout moun vin fou pou yon ayfonn (iphone), oubyen yon aypad (ipad). These days, everybody goes crazy for an iPhone or an iPad.
23. Kanaval Rio se gwo koze. Tout moun degize epi yo chante, danse, ak bwè bwason toupatou – Rio Carnival is a big deal. Everyone wears mask, sings, dances and drinks beverages everywhere.
24. An 2010, pa-t gen (pa te gen) Kanaval an Ayiti akoz tranblemantè a ki te two frèch sou nanm tout moun nan peyi a – In 2010, there was no Carnival in Haiti because of (due to) the quake that was too fresh on everybody’s soul in the country.
25. Ane sa-a, gen rara nan vilaj Ayiti. Gen kanaval nan gwo vil yo tou – This year, there is popular dance/celebration in the villages of Haiti. Carnival takes place in the big cities too.
Learn Haitian Creole in a Few Days
"Improve your Haitian Creole Reading Skills with these 101 Reading Exercises."
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Free Haitian Creole MP3 on Dropbox App
Get the first 6 chapters of "The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference Audio" for FREE.You can always purchase the CD that accompanies this book below.
Sign up for a DropBox account to be able to listen to this audio for free!
Learn Haitian Creole on your phone or laptop now / Aprendan el Criollo Haitiano con su telefono o su computadora ahora. You can get a free Dropbox app for your iphone, iPad, Android, and Blackberry smartphone. So look for the right app in the Appstore.
You can listen to all three audio versions/all 14 chapters of the book by purchasing your access now. A link will be emailed to you so you can listen to the book on or a DropBox app on your phone or iPad. Make sure you sign up for a free account.
Producer's Creole Audio Prime: Get a recurring monthly subscription of private Romance Languages / Haitian Creole Audio Posts on Sign up at PayPal with your email address so we can add you. After receiving your payment, we will add your email so you can get the selected creole audio lesson posts
Purchase a copy of "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference" (Textbook only) from AmazonKindle now as a Kindle ebook.
Purchase a copy of "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference (Textbook only) from Barnes and Noble as a Nook Book.
Purchase a copy of "The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference" from right here
Purchase the accompanying CDs for this book: Listen to the audiobook in your car
Disc ID: 6069
Disc Name: Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Audiobook Part 2- Purchase CD to Listen to Chapters 1-11 from “The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference” Audiobook Buy Now From CCNow
Disc ID: 6068
Disc Name: The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Audiobook: Purchase CD to Listen to Chapters 12-14 from “The Definitive Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference” Audiobook Buy Now From CCNow
Saturday, January 7, 2012
French Phrases, Des Phrases de Creole Haitien, Algunas Frases de Espanol, English Phrasebook Audio
"The Top Multilingual Haitian Creole Phrasebook+: Read Free and Learn 4 Languages in One" is a new ebook that provides language lessons and reading exercises in four major languages: French, Spanish, English, and Haitian Creole.
Brief Book Review:
"The Top Multilingual Phrasebook+: Read Free and Learn 4 Languages in One".... ""Fraz Kreyòl, Fransè, Anglè, ak Panyòl Gratis – Des Phrases de Créole, de Français, d’Espagnol, et d’Anglais Gratuites - Frases de Kreyòl, Francés, Español, e Inglés Gratis – Free Creole, French, Spanish, and English Phrases" is the ebook you have been waiting for.
Get a copy from Amazon Kindle
Get a copy from Barnes and Noble as a Nook Book
Additional Free Samples from the above phrasebook
10. M kriye paske-m kontan – Je pleure parceque je suis heureux. – Lloro porque estoy feliz – I cry because I am happy
11. Eske ou fè manje / kwit manje chak jou ? - Est-ce que tu fais la cuisine tous les jours ? - Cocinas cada día ? – Do you cook every day ?
12. Rele timoun you. Se lè pou yo pran dine – Appelez les enfants. C’est l’heure de prendre le diner. – Llamen a los chicos. Llega la hora de cenar. – Call the children up. It is time to eat dinner.
13. Kite timoun yo li liv yo – Laissez les enfants lire leur livres – Dejen a los niños leer sus libros – Let the kids read their books.
14. Ki kote / kote ou rete? – Où demeures-tu / où habites-tu ? – Dónde vives ? – Where do you live ?
15. Ki moun k-ap danse nan lakou-a ? – Qui danse dans la cour ? – Quién baila en el patio ? – Who is dancing in the yard ?
16. Kisa ou vle ? -Que veux-tu ? Tu veux quoi ? – Qué quieres ? – What do you want ?
17. Men de chapo. Kilés ou vle mete ? – Voici deux chapeaux. Lequel veux-tu porter ? – Aquí están dos sombreros. Cuál de ellos te gusta llevar? – Here are two hats. Which one would you like to wear?
18. Se konbyen sa koute? – C’est combien ça coûte ? – ¿Cuánto cuesta eso ? – How is that? How much does this/that cost?
19. Kijan ou rele? Kòman ou rele? Kouman ou rele ? Ki non ou ? Ki jan yo rele w ? – Comment t’appelles-tu? Quel est ton nom ? – ¿Cómo te llamas ? / Cuál es tu nombre ? – What’s your name ?
20. M rele m’sye Tchipi Kantiflas – Je m’appelle Mr. Chipi Cantiflas – Me llamo Don Chipi Cantiflas – My name is mr. Chipi Cantiflas
21. Ki moun ki te ba ou kalite non sa-a? – Qui t’a nomme ainsi ? - Quién te dió este tipo de nombre ? – Who gave you this kind of gargantuan name?
22. Poukisa ou pa vle jwe avèk nou? – Pourquoi ne veux-tu pas jouer avec nous? - Porqué no te gusta jugar con nosotros ? – Why don’t you want to play with us ?
23. Se pouki moun liv sa-a ye ? - A qui appartient ce livre ? - ¿De quién es este libro ? – Whose book is this ?
24. Ki kote ou prale / Kote prale la-a ? – Tu te rends oú ?/ Oú vas-tu ? – ¿A dónde vas? – Where are you going?
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Listen to Haitian Creole Phrases, Sayings, and Expressions: Tense Markers
What is on this podcast post?
Greetings in Haitian Creole
Creole Tense Markers
Creole Phrases, Sayings, and Expressions
Additional Resources:
1st List of Haitian Creole Phrases:
List of Haitian Creole phrases and Expressions
2nd List of Creole Expressions and Phrases:
Second List of Creole Expressions and Phrases