
CreoleChildrensBooks: Children's Books in Haitian Creole, ESL, Multiculturalism

KouteKreyol:SakPaseNapBoule MP3, Audio Publishing, Ann Aprann Kreyol, Kreyol Pou Tout Moun

SakPaséLearnHaitianCreole: Learn Haitian Creole Lessons,Sak Pasé, Map Boulé, Speak Creole

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Learn Haitian Creole / Aprendan el Creole Haitiano / Aprann Kreyol / Apprenez le Creole Haitien

Hablemos el Criollo Haitiano - Let Us Speak Haitian Creole - Ann Pale Kreyol : El Creole Haitiano Para Hispanohablantes - El Creole Haitiano para Maestros, Estudiantes, y los Hablantes De Inglès y Espaňol - Haitian Creole for ESOL Teachers, Pupils

Discover the meaning of words, expressions such as "sa-k pase?" "Griyo," "Taso," "Mayi Moulen ak fey = corn mush with greens," "fritay," "Madan sara," "Labapen," "Kowosol" and many more. Find out the names of haitian meals and fruits...

Ki kote ou te fèt? Donde nacio ud.?; fèt - nacer, fiesta, celebracion

Written in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole and some French, "Hablemos el Criollo Haitiano: El Creole Haitiano Para Hispanohablantes - El Creole Haitiano para Maestros, Estudiantes, y los Hablantes De Inglès y Espaňol - Haitian Creole for Teachers, Students, and English and Spanish Speakers - Hablemos el Creol: Guía de Creol en Espaňol" is designed to help English, French, and Spanish speakers learn and Speak Haitian Creole in no time. This book is a guide that will provide you with the key vocabulary in almost four languages (Spanish, English, French, and Haitian Creole). It was designed to give both speaking and reading practice, each of the lesson units furthers comprehension through short dialogs, pronunciation guides, grammar notes, and a variety of drills and exercises. The examples are English-Creole-Spanish and Creole-English-Spanish It was developed by Joseph J. Charles of Haitian Creole MP3 Institute (

This book is an advanced level of "Learn Haitian Creole in One Week / Aprendan el Creole Haitiano Dentro de una Semana / Aprann Kreyol Nan Yon Semen"