Friday, December 23, 2011
Learn a Haitian Proverb today: Bay Kou Bliye, Pote Mak Sonje
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Learn Haitian Creole / Aprendan el Creole Haitiano / Aprann Kreyol / Apprenez le Creole Haitien
Hablemos el Criollo Haitiano - Let Us Speak Haitian Creole - Ann Pale Kreyol : El Creole Haitiano Para Hispanohablantes - El Creole Haitiano para Maestros, Estudiantes, y los Hablantes De Inglès y Espaňol - Haitian Creole for ESOL Teachers, Pupils
Discover the meaning of words, expressions such as "sa-k pase?" "Griyo," "Taso," "Mayi Moulen ak fey = corn mush with greens," "fritay," "Madan sara," "Labapen," "Kowosol" and many more. Find out the names of haitian meals and fruits...
Ki kote ou te fèt? Donde nacio ud.?; fèt - nacer, fiesta, celebracion
Written in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole and some French, "Hablemos el Criollo Haitiano: El Creole Haitiano Para Hispanohablantes - El Creole Haitiano para Maestros, Estudiantes, y los Hablantes De Inglès y Espaňol - Haitian Creole for Teachers, Students, and English and Spanish Speakers - Hablemos el Creol: Guía de Creol en Espaňol" is designed to help English, French, and Spanish speakers learn and Speak Haitian Creole in no time. This book is a guide that will provide you with the key vocabulary in almost four languages (Spanish, English, French, and Haitian Creole). It was designed to give both speaking and reading practice, each of the lesson units furthers comprehension through short dialogs, pronunciation guides, grammar notes, and a variety of drills and exercises. The examples are English-Creole-Spanish and Creole-English-Spanish It was developed by Joseph J. Charles of Haitian Creole MP3 Institute (
This book is an advanced level of "Learn Haitian Creole in One Week / Aprendan el Creole Haitiano Dentro de una Semana / Aprann Kreyol Nan Yon Semen"
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Pa Ponpe sou Kabann nan - No Jumping on the Bed (Bilingual Story Written in Haitian Creole and English)
Bilingual Story Delivered in PDF: This children's story is written in English and Haitian Creole. Use Paypal to Purchase a copy now:
Review of the ebook
Pa Ponpe Sou Kabann nan! – Stop Jumping on the Bed! - No Salten en la Cama! is the story of six siblings: Lili, Lala, Lolo, Lila, Lola and Lele who could never stop jumping on their parents' bed until a series of mishaps and accidents started taking place. Manman Baba and Papa Bibi's kids were only afraid of the housemaid who often complained about having to clean up all these children's mess. One day, Manman Baba stayed home and found out how much headache her children can give to the sitter and maid. Find out what happened to the kids and why they finally decided to change and stop messing around so much.
If you want to purchase a copy, do so here
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Help For Broward County, Florida ESL Teachers and Students, New Haitian Creole Textbook Bridges the Needs with Multilingual Solutions
Here are a few things this book will help you learn: Haitian Fruit, Vegetables and meals names, different types of meat, seafood, popular greetings, common expressions and phrases, verb markers etc. This book also introduces you to the Hiatian Creole grammar. For example, the use of articles shows some of the unique features of the Haitian Creole language. There is an indefinite article, which is used in front of the noun it modifies, and a definite article, which comes after the noun it modifies and changes form based on the sounds in that noun. Examples: Kay la - the house; ban an - the bench; bannann nan - the platain etc. Haitian Creole pronouns have both long and short forms. Examples: M for Mwen etc.. In addition to functioning as the subject of a sentence, pronouns can be placed after nouns to indicate possession. Examples, kay mwen - my house; liv li - his/her book etc.
This textbook is gradually introducing you to the structure of the language. It also provides you with cultural notes and explanations.
Relatively inexpensive, this easy textbook gives you everything you need to know to familiarize yourself with the language and culture. It presents various themes that you can build on.
Free Haitian Creole Course by Podcast: Curso de Creol Haitiano Gratis
Find a brief review of all the 2011 monthly MP3 downloads (Hallan un repasito de todas las lecciones de 2011)
Read this introduction to Haitian Creole and Creole languages: Introduction to Haitian Creole and Overview of Nouns, Verbs, Sentence Structures, Pronouns etc.
Haitian Creole Lessons for all of January 2011 / Lecciones de Creol en el mes de Enero de 2011
Haitian Creole Lessons for all of February 2011 / Lecciones de Creol en el mes de Febrero de 2011
Haitian Creole Lessons for all of March 2011 / Lecciones de Creol en el mes de Marzo de 2011
Haitian Creole Course for all of April 2011 / Lecciones de Creol en el mes de Abril de 2011
Haitian Creole Course for all of May 2011 / Lecciones de Creol en el mes de Mayo de 2011
Haitian Creole Lessons for all of June 2011 / Lecciones de Creol en el mes de Junio de 2011
Haitian Creole Lessons for all of July 2011 / Lecciones de Creol en el mes de Julio de 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Text of a Haitian Story: This One is for You
Get the Haitian Creole text right on this page
Purchase a copy of this book at
Now you can also purchase this book at Kindle Amazon or AmazonKindle
Learn French, English, and Haitian Creole with this new booklet. Read the story of Tijan and his godfather, Mr. Bonifas!
Now you can also purchase Godfather's Mercy: Parenn, Pitye or Parenn Pran Pitye! at Kindle Amazon or AmazonKindle
This is only an excerpt of the ebook, "Godfather's Mercy: Pitye, Parenn or Parenn Pran Pitye..."
Get the whole story right here:
Purchase a copy of this book at
Now you can also purchase this book at Kindle Amazon or AmazonKindle
Translation :
Poukisa Tijan P-al Lekòl –
Why Tijan Does Not Go To School
The Godfather’s Mercy – Parenn Pran Pitye
Once upon a time a little boy named Tijan decided to learn how to read and write. Tijan was born in a little village located next to Léogâne, Haiti, on top of a huge mountain called Katwen. He is Mrs. Altidor’s second child. He has an older sister who is living with her father’s relatives. Tijan’s older sister’s name is Marijo. Tijan does not have the same father as Marijo. In fact, he does not know his father. Marijo’s father has sent her to school. Tijan does not have a parent who can send him to school.
Every year, he gets very sad when he sees his older sister’s new uniform, shoes, socks, books and other supplies. Tijan would like to learn how to read and write too but his father did not recognize him.
Mrs. Altidor can not help Tijan find his father. She does not know the identity of her son’s father. Mrs. Altidor does not remember anything at all because she is always drunk. She enjoys drinking Tafia (a strong alcoholic beverage in Haiti), alcohol, and smoking cigarettes. When she earns any money, she wastes it in beverages, junk food, and fried goodies. That is why Marijo’s father had taken her away from her.
Tijan is ten years old now. His friends have started to tease him and to call him names such as “idiot, dumb beast, animal.” They thought he was imbecile. However, he knows he is not dumb. He has a plan. “If only the plan can work, I will be able to show everybody that I am an intelligent guy.”
That is how Tijan decided to walk to the residence of his godfather who was living in the city of Léogâne. His godfather had a lot of contacts in town. He has sent all of his children to school. Mr. Bonifas took pity of Tijan who broke out crying and complaining.
“It looks like you are moving away, Tijan!” remarked Mr. Bonifas as he spotted him. “Where is your mother? Why did she not come with you?”
“Godfather, I want to live with you. I can not take it any longer up in the mountain,” Tijan replied. “Manman-m, my mother does not want to do anything for me. All the money she earns goes to her alcohol. I am ten years old. I do not know how to read and write.”
Surprised, Mr. Bonifas asked, “Your mother has not sent you to school?”
“No. She is drunk all the time. She does not have a dry day. She has no time to think about such things.”
“Your mother has never told you about your father.”
“No. Do you know my father? You know I am fatherless. Marijo has a father. She is living at her grandparents’ home.”
Mr. Bonifas looked at his eyes. He did not utter a word. Neither did he try to answer his question or reveal his father’s identity.
“What were you doing during all these years?”
“Every year I thought my mother was going to send me to school. But she never had time to do that.”
Mr. Bonifas became meditative. He was taken aback by his godson’s declarations. He thought Tijan had the same providing father as his older sister, Marijo.
“Alcohol is a bad thing. It is a vice. The woman neglected her responsibility because of tafia. That is what is destroying the country.”
Mr. Bonifas opened the back door of the store. He took the little box of clothes and sandals that Tijan had carried. That was all his possession. He placed it in a room behind the counter. He said, “Welcome home! Welcome to my home! I am going to do all I can do for you. I am going to raise you just like my ten sons and daughters.”
“Am I going to become your 11th child?”
“Yes. You are my godson, Tijan. The only thing I ask is to work hard at the store and at school.”
Mr. Bonifas telephoned his wife to announce the news of Tijan’s arrival.
“Darling, I have news for you. Do you remember my godson who lives on top of the mountain of Léogâne?”
“Hello darling. Yes, I do. The mountain people who know have told me that she has no more strength to walk down to trade around here. She drinks too much tafia.”
“Aha! You know her very well.”
“She is a drunkard. She has other vices too. She smokes. No men want to stay with her too long. Did they ever find out who the father of her son is?”
“Cheri, darling. I can not answer this question.”
“Why not, honey?”
This is only an excerpt of the ebook, "Godfather's Mercy: Pitye, Parenn or Parenn Pran Pitye..."
Get the whole story right here:
Purchase a copy of this book at
Now you can also purchase this book at Kindle Amazon or AmazonKindle
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Learn Kreyol with "Learn Haitian Creole Study CD"
Listen to Haitian Creole on the Go! Listen to Learn Haitian Creole Study CD: Ann Pale Kreyol PlopPlop! Understand the context, the cultural relevancy and use the right expressions and phrases. This CD also contains a review of the Haitian Creole vowels and consonants. It also has additional vocabulary. Get the textbook from Amazon Kindle to be able to benefit more.
Purchase your copy now:
Product ID: 3122
Product Name: 3122: Learn Haitian Creole in one Week CD
Buy Now From CCNow
Purchase your copy now:
Product ID: 3122
Product Name: 3122: Learn Haitian Creole in one Week CD
Buy Now From CCNow
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Most Popular Haitian Children's Church Choruses CD and Bonus Pack
Buy Now From CCNow
This CD contains some of the following French and Creole songs: Jesus Loves the childrenDodo Tipitit Manman, Frere Jacques, Lafwa bannou laviktwa, Awsome God, Ala ou gran, father Abraham, Si ou konnen ou sove, Fais-moi connaitre, etc.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Expanded Version of Haitian Creole Learning: "Learn Haitian Creole Today - Aprendan el Kreyol Haitiano Hoy"
"Learn Haitian Creole Today - Aprendan el Creole Haitiano Hoy Dia - Aprann Kreyol Jodi-a..." helps you learn Haitian Creole by focusing on key language acquisition skills building blocs. It will expand your knowledge of the Haitian language and culture. Here are a few things this book will help you learn: Explanations of Rara, a typically Haitian creation and phenomenon, names of tropical and Haitian Fruits, variety of vegetables and meals names, different types of meat cuts, seafood, popular greetings, common expressions and phrases, verb markers etc. This book also introduces you to the Hiatian Creole grammar. An expanded version of the Haitian Creole grammar rules can be found in "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference Textbook." For example, the use of articles shows some of the unique features of the Haitian Creole language. There is an indefinite article, which is used in front of the noun it modifies, and a definite article, which comes after the noun it modifies and changes form based on the sounds of that noun. Examples: Kay la - the house; ban an - the bench; bannann nan - the plantain, tifi-a - the girl or young woman etc. Haitian Creole pronouns have both long and short forms. Examples: M for Mwen etc.. In addition to functioning as the subject of a sentence, pronouns can be placed after nouns to indicate possession. Examples, kay mwen - my house; liv li - his/her book etc.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Haitian Kids' Song CD: Most Popular Songs, Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes Enjoyed by Haitian Parents and Children All Over Haiti
The proceeds of this CD will go toward the reconstruction of homes for Haitians.
Here are some of the songs you will hear: Dodo Tipitit, au clair de la lune, Rossignol Manje korosol, Tonton Bouki etc
Buy a copy to contribute towards Haiti's recovery:
Haitian Children's Choruses, Church Songs and Bonus Pack CD
Product ID: 3064
Product Name: Haitian Chants of Hope
Buy Now From CCNow
Product ID: 3068
Product Name: Most Popular Haitian Children's Choruses, Church and Play Songs
Buy Now From CCNow
Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.

Tonton Bouki
Tonton Bouki, Tonton Bouki
Wap dòmi? wap dòmi?
Leve pou bat tanbou
Leve pou bat tanbou
Boum, Boum, Boum
Uncle Bouki, Uncle Bouki
Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping
Wake up to play the drum
Wake up to play the drum
Boom, Boom, Boom
Au Clair de la Lune....
Au clair de la lune, mon ami Pierrot
Prête moi ta plume, pour ecrire un mot,
Ma chandele est morte, je n’ai plus de feu
Ouvre-moi ta porte, pour l’amour de Dieu
Au clair de la lune, Pierrot repondit:
“Je n’ai pas de plume, je suis dans mon lit,
Va chez la voisine, je crois qu’elle y est
Car dans sa cuisine, on bat le briquet
Au clair de la lune, l’aimable lubin
Frappe chez la brune, elle repond soudain
“Qui frappe de la sorte? il dit a son tour
Ouvrez votre porte pour le Dieu d’amour
Au clair de la lune, on n’y voit qu’un peu
On chercha la plume, on chercha du feu
En cherchant de la sorte je n’sais c’qu’on trouva
Mais je sais qu’ la porte sur eux se ferma.
Haitian Children's Choruses, Church Songs and Bonus Pack CD
Product ID: 3064
Product Name: Haitian Chants of Hope
Buy Now From CCNow
Product ID: 3068
Product Name: Most Popular Haitian Children's Choruses, Church and Play Songs
Buy Now From CCNow
Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.

Sunday, April 10, 2011
Koute Kreyol: Buy 'Sak Pase? N-ap Boule Textbook' Audio Download (Chapter 4, Parts 1 and 2)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Short Haitian Creole Reading Exercises - Egzesis Lekti an Kreyol
Find free additional vocabulary and reading expressions at

Monday, February 7, 2011
Fèt Ayisyen – Haitian Celebrations and Holidays
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Rosa Parks's Courage and Sitting on the Bus
Purchase this book for far less, $9.99 at Amazon /Kindle Direct Publishing
Inspired by Rosa Parks's Courage and Sitting on the Bus (v.4) is an inspirational book of poetry that compels us to look back and forward to find signs of inspiration in our lives and current difficult times. This book of poetry has 100 new and selected poems published solely for your edification and uplifting. Find more at